

Ingredients    A.  Boiled bamboo shoot  1
 lotus   1
          konnnyaku  1
 carrot  1
 taro  2~3
                                 chicken breast or thigh  200g
          B .salt  2/1 tea spoon
pepper  1/2
           sugar  1 tea spoon
            shoyu  1 tea spoon
        garlic  1/2 clove
1.  Cut a bumboo shoot, lotus,carrot.
2. Peel taro and cut into 1/4 slices.
                                            3. Fry chicken with a pinch of salt&pepper and ground garlic.  Keep it in a bowl.                                                                                               
4. Fry 1 and 2 together.
5.  Mix and fry all of ingredients again.
6.  Pour water 2cm above them and boil.
                     7.  Add sugar, shoyu, and a little more salt and pepper.

Nikujaga ( Boiled potato and meat )

coming soon!

A. beef (shredded beef is ok) 350g
potatoes 3~4
carrots 1
onions 1~2
itogonnyaku(theaded konnyaku) 1 bag
B. sugar 3~5 table spoons
shoyu 3~5 table spoons

1. Peel potatoes and onions. Cut potatoes into 1/4s chunks and carrots into 1/8,
itogaonnyaku into 10 cm strips.
2. Boil them with 2 or 3 table spoons of sugar, 2 or 3 table spoons of shoyu for about 30 minutes on low.
3. Check the taste while boiling.
4. Add beef with a little sugar and shoyu .
5. Add a little more sugar and shoyu if you wish.

Easy Japanese pickles

A. cucumbers 2
turnips 2
carrot 1/5
B. salt 1 tea spoon
or Japanese mustard 2 tea spoon
1. Cut vegetables f A any way you wish.
Carrots should be cut thinner.
2. Add salt and knead.
That's it!!
If you like nukazuke flavor,Japanese mustard is ok to substitute for the
*nukazuke:picles soaked in rice bran for a long period of time.

Buta no misoyaki ( grilled pork with miso )

A. 4 pieces of pork(thick sliced ones)
B. miso 3 table spoons
sugar 2 table spoons
shoyu 2 table spoons
garlic 2 cloves

1. Slice the garlic.
2. Make a miso dip sauce with ingredients from B.
3. Dip pork cutlets into miso sauce and let the marinade them for a couple
of hours.
4. Fry pork. First, fry on medium, and after turning them, fry them on low until
inside is fully cooked.
( miso is easily burnt! Be careful!



coming soon!

Takenoko no Nimono

A. 1 big bonboo shoot
wakame(soft seaweed) a handful
nuka(rice bran) 1 cup
B. sugar 1 table spoon
shoyu 2 table spoon
bonito flavor 1 tea spoon

1. Cut bamboo shoot in half and peel it until the yallow soft inside shows up.
2. Boil with the nuka for 30 minutes.
3. turn off the heat and wash the bamboo.
4. Soak it in claer water for 1 night( or for several hours).
5. Slice bamboo into 1 cm strips.(Cut the top part length-wise and the bottom part
width-wise, into strips.)
6. Boil them with wakame and B for about 1 hour on low heat.

Katsuo no Tataki

A. 1 or 2 whole bonito fillet
B. onion half
leek 1 stick
ginger 1/8 of a whole root
garlic 1~2 cloves

1. Boil or fry bonito quickly.
2. Keep it in the fridge until it gets cold.
3. Slice onion and wash it with cold water quickly.
4. Cut the other herbs for B. you can also grind the ginger and garlic.
5. Slice bonito and arrange it on the dish. Use herbs as garnish next to the bonito.

Hijiki no Nimono

A. hijiki( a kind of soft seaweed) 1 bag
daizu(soy beans) 1 cup
carrot 1/2
age(fried Tofu) 1
B. sugar 2~3 table spoon

1. Soak soy beans in water for one night.
2. Boil soy beans with the water they were soaked in with sugar, shoyu and
katsuoflavor on low for about 20 minutes.
3. Cut carrot and age into thin strips.
4. Wash hijiki.
5. Add hijiki, carrot and age into soy beans, and boil for 5 minutes. Add sugar
and shoyu as you wish.


A. daikon 1/2top part
konnyuaku 1
leek 1~2 sticks
B. miso 3 table spoon
sugar 2 table spoon

1. Cut leek into very small pieces.
2. Boil water and add cut daikon and konnyaku.
3. While the daikon and konnyaku are boiling, make miso dip. Mix miso and sugar.
4. Mush leek in a Suribachi bawl.
5. Add leek into miso dip and mix.


A burdock 2 sticks
B shoyu (2 table spoons)
salt (1 pinch)
pepper (1 pinch)
red pepper (1 pinch)
sugar (2 table spoons)
sesame (2 table spoons)
oil (1 table spoon)

1. Fry burdock with salt , pepper and oil on medium until it becomes smooth.
2. Add sugar, shoiyu and red pepper, fry it until it absorbs the flaver.
3. add warter(2 cm above burdock) and cook until the water is gone.


A daikon 1/2
leek 1
age(Fried thin Tohu) 1
B soy sauce 4~5 table spoons
katsuo(bonito)flavor 1 table spoon

1. Slice daikon with a slicer into stripes
2. Cut age into 1 cm stripes
3. Put daikon and age into a big pot
4. Add 200ml of water into 3
5. Add soysauce,katsuoflavor and boil it for about 10min. on medium.


ozouni ( my home style - boiled rice-cake with soup )

Ingredients A. several rice-cakes
B. spinach 3 bunches
burdock 2
carrot 1
( lily roots)5
eggs 8
hanakatsuo (tuna flakes)
C. shoyu 3 table spoons
conbu, tuna flakes - for soup
salt 2 pinches

Preparation before January 1st morning:

1. Boil spinach for ten seconds
2. dshred carrots and burdocks
and boil; them for 20 seconds
3. Make thin fried eggs
1)beat eggs
3)slice them into 0.5 centimeter strips
4. Untangle lily roots, wash and boil them

On that day:

1. Make soup
1)boil the water in a sauce pan
2)add conbu, tuna flakes and leave for 3 minutes
3)take out conbu, tune flakes
4)add , salt, boiled yurine
2. Boil rice-cakes for 3 minutes on low
3. Pour hot water on the vegetables 1 and 2 to heat them up.
Drain off the hot water
4. Put rice-cakes, decorative vegetables, eggs,
hanakatsuo in Ozouni soup
5. Pour soup

boiled black soybeans

A. black soybeans 2bags (300g)
B. sugar 1bag salt 1 tea spoon

1. Soak beans in water (2cm up from beans)
with salt for 1 night or at least several hours.
2. Simmer on low in a large sauce pan until the water is almost completely
3. Turn off the heat and add sugar all.
4. Heat 3 up again on high.



ingredients A. carrot( a japanese one is better )1/2
daikon 1/2
B. sugar 1 teaspoon
salt 1 pinch
vinegar 1/3 cup

1. Shred carrot and daikon.
2. put 1 into a bowl and add B.
That's all!!
*onamasu is good after eating a lot of rice-cakes and
rich New Years'foods.