

Ingredients    A.  Boiled bamboo shoot  1
 lotus   1
          konnnyaku  1
 carrot  1
 taro  2~3
                                 chicken breast or thigh  200g
          B .salt  2/1 tea spoon
pepper  1/2
           sugar  1 tea spoon
            shoyu  1 tea spoon
        garlic  1/2 clove
1.  Cut a bumboo shoot, lotus,carrot.
2. Peel taro and cut into 1/4 slices.
                                            3. Fry chicken with a pinch of salt&pepper and ground garlic.  Keep it in a bowl.                                                                                               
4. Fry 1 and 2 together.
5.  Mix and fry all of ingredients again.
6.  Pour water 2cm above them and boil.
                     7.  Add sugar, shoyu, and a little more salt and pepper.

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